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Life happens.

If you were tell me 5 years ago I would be where I am today, I would of laughed in your face! 

I had my life planned out.

By the time I was 25 I had planned to live in a quaint house near the water with my husband, 2 kids, a dog and a retirement plan. I would probably have some 9-5 job in the medical field somewhere and do community service projects on my off time between errands, making meals, laundry, and Zumba class twice a week.
(I was dreaming big)

Now here I am pushing 28, I live in a community house with 10 other people, I am working for an organization that the Lord used to flip my life upside down (not the fancy medical job I dreamed of) I am as single as they come with no prospects lined up or kids to chase around, the only dogs in my life are the ones I see at the park, and between all the things that occupy my time Zumba doesn’t seem to make the cut.

Life happens.

Things change.

We change.

My dreams, my plans, my desires are different now. Because I’m different. I’m no longer fixated on the things that used to be so important to me.
Sure it would be lovely to obtain all these things, and I’m sure they will come in time. But for now I’m in a season of transition of becoming a better me. That looks different for everyone. For me it looks like lots of sitting with the Lord and picking out things in my life that aren’t healthy, it’s about pursuing the Lords will for my life, not my own, it looks likes a lot of alone time and self reflecting on the past and how that can shape my future. I anticipate a lot of rough roads up ahead, and for my plans to fall through the cracks.
And I’m okay with it.

Life happens.

I’ll do what I’ve always done. Pick myself up, dust myself off and press forward.
We can’t let life get in the way of life.
We have to take the ebbs and flows and roll with the punches.
The fact is, I’m not who I used to be, And I’m no where near the best I can be. But I’m trying.

I’m trying to embrace this season of newness with open arms and trust that even if it looks different than I expected it can STILL be good. It can still be fruitful.
I’m trying to accept that life happens with no rhyme or reason and there is nothing I can do about it.

The only thing I can do is breath, take it in, and let it be.
Whether I’m in the hustle and bustle of the work week, or the mellow mundane moments of the weekend I want to just let life happen, and be okay with it.

I want to invite you to do the same… Go for a walk, take a nap, let the laundry sit there an extra day, treat yourself to dessert, read a book… just let life happen.
And be ok with it.